John Hennessy talking about leadership. One of the most creative and experienced leaders around sharing his values and philosophy.
Federico Faggin, Why Machines Will Never Be Conscious
1 Million ARM based SpiNNaker Project
Why 1984 wasn't like 1984. (I was there!)
Recent Alan Kay talk (Nov. 2021). A Philosophy of Software Engineering.
Brief and to the point Jaron Lanier interview on how some social media algorithms are used to addict, categorize, and then modify the perceptions and behavior of the user - all without users being aware how seriously they are being affected.
Random number generators and large group consciousness events.
A bit dramatic but nevertheless clear overview of the hazards associated with passive and uncritical usage of social media platforms that accumulate, package, and sell your online behaviors and data.
Time machine stuff: William Gibson, back in the day on the Internet.
Quantum Coherence Domains